February is a hard time of year. Some think it is no better than a long cold bridge between January and March. We all have bad times, though - most often for good reasons, frequently reasons related to our health. It seemed to me like February would be a good time to present this book.
The Suffering Letters are from Spurgeon's periods of illness. During the first thirteen years at his church in London he was able to devote all his energies to his work. Then the illness started, and from 1867 on he would go through periods when he was utterly debilitated, That suffering lasted through all of his last 24 years. It seems that the most effective 'treatment' was rest, and he would take that rest for periods in the Londoner's equivalent to Florida - Menton, in the south of France. The letters are to his congregation back home.The first is titled, "Laid Aside - Why?" In addition, the book contains a number of color photographs of the handwritten original letters.