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Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
Cornerstone (PCA)
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What We Believe
the Bible in its original language and text is the Word of God, inerrant.
God exists in three Persons: God the Father; God the Son, Jesus Christ; and God the Holy Spirit.
all humankind are naturally disobedient to God -- too sinful to be acceptable to a perfect God, and unable to do anything to save themselves from the punishment they deserve.
Christ is fully God and fully man, and the problem of sin is solved by His obedient life and sacrifice upon the cross, and His resurrection from the dead. He took upon Himself the sin and punishment belonging to those who trust in Him alone for salvation, and gave to them His righteousness and eternal life.
it is the Holy Spirit who brings persons to Christ for this salvation and guarantees their inheritance of eternal life.
all who believe are to live their lives for God, consistent with the teachings of the Bible: in prayer and worshiping God, in fellowship with other believers, and in serving others using gifts which God has given in Christ.
God is good, and sovereign, and in control of all that happens, whether we understand it or not
God has called us to share Christ in word and deed.
Jesus Christ is in heaven at God’s right hand, and He will return to earth to judge all mankind.
See the
statement of intent
adopted by the leadership and members of Cornerstone in 2007.
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