William C. (Bill) Davis (PhD, University of Notre Dame; MA, Westminster Theological Seminary, California; BA, Covenant College, 1982)
is a Professor of Philosophy at Covenant College and an adjunct professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
in Atlanta and Washington, D.C. He also teaches first grade Sunday School. Bill’s philosophical research has focused on the moral epistemology
of the 18th century Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid, most recently writing reviews of new books on Reid’s work and influence.
He is the author of Thomas Reid’s Ethics (Continuum, 2006) and Departing in Peace: Biblical Decision-Making at the End of Life (Presbyterian & Reformed, 2017).
Bill has also contributed to works on philosophy and popular culture (The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy,
The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy) and on apologetics (Reason for the Hope Within). Bill has been married to Lynda for over 35 years,
and they have four children: Jonathan, Amy, Rachel, and Mark.
Friday Evening, 7:00 pm
John 10:7-19—“Life and Life's Greatest Joys”
Saturday Evening, 7:00 pm
Matthew 25:14-30—“Living and Choosing as Christ's Servants”
Sunday School, 9:30 am
Philippians 1:18b-23—“For Me to Live is Christ...”
Sunday Morning, 11:00 am
John 14:1-7—“Jesus' Words of Comfort to Struggling Disciples”
Sunday Evening, 6:30 pm
Proverbs 6:20-24—“Honoring our Seniors”